


Main functions

function run(sim::Simulation)

This function does all the work for you:

  1. prepare sim environment and preprocess data
  2. evaluate force, initialize timesteps, output
  3. mainloop
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Missing docstring for preprocessdata. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for compute_force. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for compute_potential. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for output. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for restart. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for saverestart. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for loadrestart. Check Documenter's build log for details.

softlen(c::Collection, table::MVector)
softlen(p::AbstractParticle, table::MVector)
softlen(p::AbstractParticle, sim::Simulation)
softlen(c::Collection, sim::Simulation)

Retrive softening length from table

suggest_softlen(V::Number, N::Int64)
suggest_softlen(data::Union{Array, StructArray})
suggest_softlen(data::Union{Array, StructArray}, collection::Collection)

return recommended softening length

See also suggest_softlen! and set_softlen!

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Missing docstring for set_softlen!. Check Documenter's build log for details.


smooth_coef(x_coord, fitting_order, diff_order)

Fit the data with fitting_order polynomial and calculate the diff_order differential at x=0. Input the x coordinates of data. Return the coefficients for calculating the result from data.

Suppose the data is [u,v,w], we want to smooth v by fitting a line (1 order polynomial) and use it estimate a better v. Then set the x coordinates of [u,v,w] be [-1,0,1], fit it and calculate the result (0 order differential) at x=0, the result will be (u+v+w)/3. So smooth_coef([-1,0,1],1,0) will return [1/3,1/3/1/3].

Using Rational type or Sym type of SymPy can get the exact coefficients. For example, smooth_coef(Sym[0,1,2],2,1) get Sym[-3/2, 2, -1/2], which means the first order differential of [u,v,w] at u is -1.5u+2v-0.5w. Using this way can generate all data in


  • Linear extrapolation: smooth_coef([1,2],1,0) get [2, -1], so the left linear extrapolation of [u,v] is 2u-v.
  • Quadratic extrapolation: smooth_coef([-3,-2,-1],2,0) get [1, -3, 3], so the right Quadratic extrapolation of [u,v,w] is u-3v+3w.
  • First order central differential: smooth_coef(Rational[-1,0,1],2,1) get [-1//2, 0//1, 1//2], so the first order differential of [u,v,w] at v is (w-u)/2
  • Second order central differential: smooth_coef([-1,0,1],2,2) get [1, -2, 1], so the second order differential of [u,v,w] at v is u+w-2v
  • Five points quadratic smoothing: smooth_coef([-2,-1,0,1,2],2,0) get [-3/35, 12/35, 17/35, 12/35, -3/35], so [-3/35 12/35 17/35 12/35 -3/35]*[a,b,c,d,e] get the smoothed c.
  • Four points quadratic interpolation: smooth_coef([-3,-1,1,3],2,0) get [-1/16, 9/16, 9/16, -1/16], so smooth_coef([-3,-1,1,3],2,0)'*[a,b,c,d] get the estimated value at the middle of b and c.
diff_mat(n, order=1; T=Float64, dt=one(T), points=2*div(order+1,2)+1, lpoints=div(points,2), rpoints=points-lpoints-1, fitting_order=lpoints+rpoints, boundary=:Extrapolation, boundary_points=lpoints+rpoints+1, boundary_order=boundary_points-1, sparse=false)

Generate differential matrix.


  • n: Matrix size. If v is length n vector, diff_mat(n)*v calculate the differential of v.
  • order: Differential order.
  • T: Matrix element type. If set T=Rational or using SymPy and set T=Sym, diff_mat will return the exact value.
  • dt: Numerical differential step size.
  • points: Number of points for fitting polynomial to estimate differential. This argument is only for convenience. The real number of points is always lpoints+rpoints+1.
  • lpoints: Number of points at left to the target point, which differential is calculated by the fitted polynomial.
  • rpoints: Number of points at right to the target point. If lpoints==rpoints, then the differential is estimated as central finite difference. If lpoints==0, then it is normal forward finite difference. If rpoints==0, then it is backward finite difference.
  • fitting_order: The order of the fitted polynomial for estimating differential.
  • boundary: Boundary condition. Can be Dirichlet()(boundary value is zero), Periodic(assume data is periodic), :Extrapolation(boundary value is extrapolated according to boundary_points and boundary_order), :None(not deal with boundary, will return non-square matrix).
  • boundary_points: Number of points for fitting polynomial to estimate differential at boundary. Normally it should not be much less than points, otherwise sometimes the current point may not be used to estimate the differential.
  • boundary_order: The order of the fitted polynomial for points determined by boundary_points.
  • sparse: If true, return sparse matrix instead of dense one.


k=5; x=rand(k);
diff_mat(k,1;points=3)*x #do 3 points 1st order central differential ((x[n+1]-x[n-1])/2).
diff_mat(k,2;points=3)*x #do 3 points 2nd order central differential (x[n+1]+x[n-1]-2x[n]).
diff_mat(k,1;points=2,lpoints=0)*x #do the normal 1st order forward differential (x[n+1]-x[n]).
diff_mat(k,1;lpoints=1,rpoints=0)*x #do the 1st order backward differential (x[n-1]-x[n]).
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Missing docstring for diff_vec. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for delta_mat2. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for delta_mat3. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for laplace_conv_op. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for laplace_conv. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for fft_poisson. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for fft_poisson!. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for fdm_poisson. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Machine Learning

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Missing docstring for train_cnn_poisson2d. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for train_cnn_poisson3d. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for cnn_poisson. Check Documenter's build log for details.


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Missing docstring for ConstantTimestep. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for AdaptiveTimestep. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for init_timesteps. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for find_next_sync_point_and_drift. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for advance_and_find_timestep. Check Documenter's build log for details.


total_potential(data::StructArray) -> Any

Sum potential energy of particles in data. Potentials need to be computed in advance.

Return nothing if empty.

total_momentum(sim::Simulation, axis::Symbol) -> Any

Compute momentum of the system in the direction of axis

total_momentum(sim::Simulation) -> Any

Compute total momentum vector of the system

total_kinetic(data::StructArray) -> Any

Sum kinetic energy: 0.5 * data.Mass[i] * data.Vel[i] * data.Vel[i]

total_kinetic(sim::Simulation) -> Any

Compute kinetic energy of particles on workers and return the sum


Data processing

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Missing docstring for find_particle. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for substract_by_id. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for diff_by_id. Check Documenter's build log for details.


nu(y::Number, n::Number = 2)

Generalized MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) interpolation function. See also nu1, nu2


MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) interpolation function with index = 1. See also nu, nu2


MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) interpolation function with index = 2. See also nu, nu1

mond_Milgrom1983(sim::Simulation, data::StructArray)

Apply Milgrom 1983 formula of MOND (MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) to accelerations

QUMOND_PDM_density(m::MeshCartesianStatic, ACC0::Number)

Compute ρPDM on the RHS (right hand side) of QUMOND (QUasi-linear MOdified Newtonian Dynamics). Return ρPDM

QUMOND_phi(m::MeshCartesianStatic, ACC0::Number, G::Number)

First compute ρ_PDM, then solve QUMOND (QUasi-linear MOdified Newtonian Dynamics) equation on the mesh. Return modified potential

QUMOND_acc(m::MeshCartesianStatic, ACC0::Number, G::Number)
  1. Compute ρ_PDM
  2. Solve modified potential on the mesh
  3. Compute acceleration by finite differencing the potential

Return acceleration


Black Hole

r_g(G, M, c)

r_g = 2 * G * M / c^2

where G is the gravity constant, M is the mass of the central object, c is light speed.

Schwarzchild radius.

r_g(G, M, c)

r_g = 2 * G * M / c^2

where G is the gravity constant, M is the mass of the central object, c is light speed.

Schwarzchild radius.

pseudoNewtonianPotential(G, M, c, R)

pot = - G * M / (R - r_g(G, M, c))

Pseudo-Newtonian potential around a compat central object. Diverge at gravity radius r_g.


pseudoNewtonianPotential(G, M, rg)

pot = - G * M / (R - rg)

Pseudo-Newtonian potential around a compat central object. Diverge at gravity radius r_g.

pseudoNewtonianAcc(G, M, c, R, n::AbstractPoint)

acc = - G * M / (R - r_g(G, M, c))^2 * n

Pseudo-Newtonian acceleration around a compat central object. Diverge at gravity radius r_g.

pseudoNewtonianAcc(G, M, c, R, n::AbstractPoint)

acc = - G * M / (R - rg)^2 * n

Pseudo-Newtonian acceleration around a compat central object. Diverge at gravity radius r_g.


Elliptic Orbit

ellipticSemiMajor(G::Number, M::Number, r::Number, v::Number) -> Any

Length of semi-major axis of elliptic orbit

  • G: gravitational constant
  • M: mass of central object
  • r: orbit radius at specific time
  • v: velocity at radius r
ellipticPeriod(G::Number, M::Number, a::Number) -> Any

Orbital period of elliptic orbit

  • G: gravitational constant
  • M: mass of central object
  • a: length of semi-major axis
eccentricity(G::Number, M::Number, v::Number, h::Number) -> Any

Eccentricity of elliptic orbit

  • G: gravitational constant
  • M: mass of central object
  • v: velocity at radius r
  • h: specific relative angular momentum at radius r
eccentricity(G::Number, M::Number, r::AbstractPoint, v::AbstractPoint) -> Any

Eccentricity vector of elliptic orbit

  • G: gravitational constant
  • M: mass of central object
  • r: position at specific time
  • v: velocity vector at position r

Time scales

relaxtime(R, v, N)

trelax = N/(10 lnN) tcross

Relaxation time: The time over which the change in kinetic energy due to the long-range collisions has accumulated to a value that is comparable to the intrinsic kinetic energy of the particle.


interactiontime(R, v, N)

The typical time between two short-range interactions that cause a change in kinetic energy comparable to the intrinsic kinetic energy of the particle.

tinteraction = N * tcross

freefalltime(ρ, G)

t_ff = sqrt(3 * π / (32 * G * ρ))

The time it takes a sphere with zero pressure to collapse to a point.


Output and Logging

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Missing docstring for outputparallel. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for setuploggers. Check Documenter's build log for details.

struct LogInfo
  • timers::Symbol

    Timer enum names to access timing (continuously starting from 1)

  • timing::Vector{UInt64}

    Timings defined by timer enums

  • analysers::Dict{String, Function}

    Analyse on the whole simulation

Examples #TODO

Use uppercase letters to avoid

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Missing docstring for DefaultTimer. Check Documenter's build log for details.

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Missing docstring for mkpathIfNotExist. Check Documenter's build log for details.


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Missing docstring for write_gadget2_makefile. Check Documenter's build log for details.


alter_line(filename::String, match::String, newline::String; all = false)

alter the first line containing match to newline


  • all::Bool = false : If true, alter all lines containing match to newline
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Missing docstring for add_line. Check Documenter's build log for details.
